My husband tells me all the time "Felicia, you go zero to one hundred"! This is 100% true! Once, I get an idea in my head it's happening no matter what. When I started kettlebell training in March 2012, I never knew how full blown addicted I would be! I have been attending classes at Ambition Athletics for over a year and I'm constantly pushing myself to hit PRs (personal records) and get stronger. Besides my training being on point, another huge aspect of training is eating. If you would have asked me two years ago, what is the most important aspect of losing weight? I would have told you spending hours in the gym, followed by "I don't have time for that". My biggest struggle through the past year has been dialing in my diet. It's still a work in progress, but I'm about 90% sure what works for me. I prep my meals the night before so I don't have an excuse not bring my breakfast and lunch to work. I bring plenty of food to keep me satisfied throughout the day. When I walk out the door in the morning I normally have the following in hand:

Monday-Friday Food:
-Cup of oats mixed with one scoop of MRM Chocolate Protein Powder.
-50 ounces of water (refill as needed).
-Black coffee mixed with milk or coconut oil.
-One Tupperware filled with baby carrots, cucumbers and red peppers.
-Hummus or yogurt dip.
-One Tupperware with meat (ground beef, turkey, chicken, fish or steak)
-Hard boiled eggs when I don't have meat.
-Lara Bar.
-String cheese.

Bottom line is, I couldn't go "zero to one hundred" when dialing in my diet. I started off slow with replacing empty calorie drinks with water or unsweetened tea. My second step was buying more fresh produce and protein. Thirdly, I began paying close attention to the ingredients on packaged food. If I can't pronounce it, I'm not eating it. 

(I'm not a trainer or nutritionist, but this is what worked for me). Cheers!

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